
ZKcandy API (Candy BUIDL)

Zapier Integration

ZKcandy - Developer Guide (Testnet)

ZKcandy - Developer Guide (Testnet)

ZKcandy - Developer Guide (Testnet)

The ZKcandy Sepolia Testnet was reset on 21 October 2024 as part of the upgrade to the new ZKsync Elastic Chain stack. As such, all Smart Contracts deployed prior to 20 October 2024 will need to be re-deployed. Read-only archival access to the old ZKcandy Sepolia Testnet blockchain is available here.

Our new Block Explorer Contract Verification endpoint is now at Please update your development environment to use this endpoint. The current latest supported compiler for contract verification is zksolc v1.5.3.

A working hardhat.config.js file is available here.

Welcome to the Developer Guide for the ZKcandy Sepolia Testnet. This document contains information about the following:

Building on ZKcandyBuilding on ZKcandyDeploying to the ZKcandy TestnetDeploying to the ZKcandy TestnetInteracting with your Smart ContractInteracting with your Smart Contract

Connecting to the ZKcandy Testnet

You can find the appropriate RPC information in the Connecting to the ZKcandy Testnet section of our Lite Paper.

Before you begin

Before starting your journey on ZKcandy, please be mindful of the following:

  1. ZKcandy is a Type-4 Zero Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) Rollup. This type of rollup is a high-level language-equivalent to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) but is not an equivalent tech stack. Be mindful of this when compiling contracts that target ZKcandy.
  2. ZKcandy is built on the ZK Stack which is made popular by ZKsync. The semantics of this statement may seem to imply that ZKcandy is a Layer-3 blockchain. This is, however, NOT the case. ZKcandy is a Layer-2 which uses the Ethereum Mainnet for finality.
  3. The ZKcandy Sepolia Testnet, as the name implies, is a Layer-2 Testnet that uses the Ethereum Sepolia Testnet as its Layer-1.
  4. For all intents and purposes of this document, it is assumed that all deployments are performed using Externally Owned Accounts (EOA). If you are using a Contract Wallet, please refer to the documentation from your wallet provider.